You can choose to support the Foundation through the type of donation right for you.
The easiest way to help ensure children in Cheyenne have access to a quality, Catholic education is to donate to the Foundation now, through Our Sunday Visitor, a secure, online donation site.
Other one-time donations
Cash or personal check
“In Memory of” gifts
Equities and bonds
Paid-up life insurance
Individual retirement accounts
Estate planning
Pledges applied over multiple years
Donor Advised Fund
If you’d like to make a donation in a way not listed above, or if you’d like to donate your time as a volunteer or board member, please contact us. We’re happy to speak with you about how your support can make a difference.
We hope that you’ll help us spread the word about the importance of preserving St. Mary’s Catholic School for generations. Please share our website with your friends and family, so that together we can make a difference in our children’s future!